Saturday, September 29, 2007

Eu sei que vou te amar

Eu sei que eu vou-te amar
Por toda a minha vida
Eu vou-te amar
Em cada despedida
Eu vou-te amar
Eu sei que vou-te amar

E cada verso meu será 'pra te dizer
Que eu sei que vou-te amar
Por toda a minha vida

Eu sei que vou chorar
A cada ausência tua
Eu vou chorar
Mas cada volta tua
Há-de apagar
O que esta ausência tua me causou

Eu sei que vou sofrer
A eterna desventura de viver
À espera de viver ao lado teu
Por toda a minha vida
Eu sei que vou-te amar

Friday, September 28, 2007

Beauty School Drop Out

Your story sad to tell,
A teenage ne'er do well,
Most mixed up non-delinquent on the block!
Your future's so unclear now,
What's left of your career now?
Can't even get a trade in on your smile!

Angels: (La lalala lalala lalala...)

Beauty school dropout,
No graduation day for you.
Beauty school dropout,
Missed your midterms and flunked shampoo!
Well at least you could have taken time, to wash and clean your clothes up,
After spending all that dough to have the doctor fix your nose up!

Baby get moving (Baby get movin'),
Why keep your feeble hopes alive?
What are you proving (What are you provin')?
You've got the dream but not the drive.

If you go for your diploma, you could join a steno pool.
Turn in your teasin' comb and go back to high school!

Beauty school dropout (Beauty school dropout),
Hanging around the corner store.
Beauty school dropout (Beauty school dropout),
It's about time you knew the score.

Well they couldn't teach you anything,
You think you're such a looker,
But no customer would go to you unless she was a hooker!

Baby don't sweat it (Don't sweat it),
You're not cut out to hold a job.
Better forget it (Forget it),
Who wants their hair done by a slob?

Now your bangs are curled, your lashes whirled, but still the world is cruel.
Wipe off that angel face and go back to high school!

Baby don't blow it,
Don't put my good advice to shame.
Baby you know it,
Even Dear Abby'd say the same!

Now I've called the shot, get off the block, I really gotta fly!
Gotta be going to that, malt shop, in the sky!

Beauty school dropout (Beauty school dropout)
Go back to high school
Beauty school dropout (Beauty school dropout)
Go back to high school
Beauty school dropout (Beauty school dropout)
Go back to high school

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

On third goin' on fourth!!...

...And going for more!
Lovin' it! Frank Miller is gooooood! Really good!
Para quem gostou do filme Sin City, dirigido por Robert Rodriguez, e espera ansiosamente pelo segundo, vão lendo, enquanto esperam, pois a banda desenhada na qual o filme foi baseado é muito melhor!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Dance with me Fred

Astaire me like you used too

I love you so much

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Who's there? Hamlet...

Uma representação absolutamente devastadora de Diogo Infante, um Hamlet perfeito. Sem falhas. O que já era de esperar do actor.
E todo um elenco à altura.
Com uma tradução de Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, e adaptado por João Maria André, a história do príncipe da Dinamarca que decide vingar a morte de seu pai, o rei. Morto pelo irmão, que casa com a viúva rainha e se apodera do reinado.
Nesta peça a famosa trama narrativa do grande William Shakespeare está resumida, mas bem conseguida, seguindo os paços mais importantes do enredo.
A encenação de João Mota está fantástica, todos os movimentos dos actores encaixam na perfeição. E mesmo não dando um 20, por motivos de exigência máxima, dou 19 valores sem dúvida. Vale a pena ver teatro, bom teatro. E esta é com certeza uma exlente peça, no Teatro Maria Matos até 21 de Outubro.
Ficha Técnica
Título: Hamlet
Encenação: João Mota
Elenco: Albano Jerónimo, Alexandre Lopes, Ana Lúcia Palminha, Carlos Paulo, Diogo Infante, Gonçalo Ruivo, Hugo Franco, João Ricardo, João Tempera, José Oliveira, José Pedro Caiado, Miguel Sermão, Natália Luíza e Raúl Oliveira
Dramaturgia: João Maria André
Cenografia: José Manuel Castanheira
Figurino: Carlos Paulo
Desenho de luz: João Mota e Zé Rui
Produção: Comuna - Teatro de Pesquisa e Teatro Maria Matos
Classificação: M/12
Horário: 4ª a sábado 21h30 / domingo 17hoo

William Shakespeare

"(...)-"Esperas por ela? Não quero ser a pessoa com quem estás enquanto esperas por ela."
-"Já te disse, não o és. Essa espera está lá trás, no passado."
-"Por vezes tenho a sensação que esperas por ela."
Num movimento rápido que me assusta, com suas mãos quentes agarra a minha cara, deixando-a emoldurada por elas. E num instante põe o meu olhar a penetrar o seu, e diz:
-"Eu não espero por ela, já não. Foi em tempos que o fiz, num passado. Passado esse que me deixou uma marca profunda. Não só ela, mas tudo o que me submergia. Mas agora já não! É como se estivesse constantemente num mar de correntes fortes. Eu nado para a costa, e quando sinto a areia sob os meus pés uma corrente puxa-me de volta ao alto mar. Tantas vezes tentei chegar à costa. Mas estou sempre em alto mar! E por vezes deixo-me a boiar, porque sei que quando estou quase a chegar a corrente me puxa. Mas sabes o que vejo na areia seca? Vejo-te a ti. Hei-de lá chegar, acredita. Há-de haver um dia em que a lua acalma o mar e eu finalmente vou conseguir dele sair.
Sim, esperei por ela em dias. Mas és tu que esperas por mim, e é para ti que vou, porque esqueço o passado, quero!! Meu amor, tu és o futuro. Esquece comigo esse passado podre, não mo faças recordar."
-"Espero por ti na areia seca. Que o sol queime a minha pele, que tempestades me encharquem o corpo, não me deixarás de ver. Amo-te, acho que o sinto. E sabendo que maldita foi a hora em que deixei que escorresses para dentro de mim, não me arrependo. Fazes-me feliz."
-"E feliz serei com teu amor um dia, e dar-te-ei o meu de volta, quando à costa chegar meu amor."(...)"

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Les Uns et Les Autres

De 1936 aos anos 80, quatro famílias, de nacionalidades diferentes mas que partilham a mesma paixão pela música, vêem os seus destinos marcados pela Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ainda que as personagens sejam todas fictícias, são muito inspiradas em personalidades que existiram realmente, umas facilmente reconhecíveis, outras nem tanto.

Fiche technique
Realizador: Claude Lelouch
Música: Francis Lai, Michel Legrand
Coreografia: Maurice Béjart
Genre: Drama/Musical
Duração: 184 minutos/E.U.A.:173 minutos
Data de saída: 27 de Maio de 1981

Distribuído nos Estados Unidos sob o título de Bolero em referência ao Bolero de Maurícia Ravel entendida no filme.

(tradução de Sofia P.L. a partir do Wikipédia francês;
fontes de pesquisa: IMDB e Wikipédia)
(Links: Imagem; Claude Lelouch; Francis Lai; Michel Legrand; Maurice Béjart)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The one

"You finally realised that the girl of your dreams isn't the girl of your heart." The man from the film said. Those words pierced her the rest of the day. She knows she is not the dream girl, she is aware of whom it be. "I hate you. I hate you because I want to love you but I don't." He said. Harsh words. But what does he know about love? She thought. "If loving someone is wanting and liking to be with that person, then yes I do love you." And what is love but that? At first it made her think, but then she perceived, it made sense, what is love but that? What he did not feel anymore was passion, not for her, but an absence of it in every aspect of his current life. It would alter, evolve, develop, she would strongly say. The restless smile drawn on her face did not let the inconvenient laugh echo in the room. "You are a good actress. You are a good person." "Why do you say I'm a good actress?" He paused, she insists, he explains "You hide your feelings in the right moments." "Don't you?" She thinks. And as she is about to express it out loud, he started talking about how he can not lie nor hide nor act, when his speech it self was all that. How he never does anything right. But he does not realise that there beside him is one example of a right he has done, and really good. She aches a little. He destroys everything in him. He stays still, does not move, he covers his eyes, his ears, his mouth and builds up a frighten character. But he does not like that character. So he destroys it all down once more. He grabs himself and jumps. Makes a step. She talked over his action and when he says: "Hey! I'm moving!" She is surprised, and realises that she loves him. Because he is who he is, and every time he shows himself she knows. So she walked down the stairs. "Go easy on your self." She said. "I'll be with you in a minute." He replies. And she went on thinking, the words still colliding in her mind "You finally realised that the girl in your dreams isn't the girl in your heart." She chuckled, a little chuckle. Hope that when he does it will not be too late.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


"Tempo, estou sem tempo, tenho de ir, de sair..."

"Mas espera, tem calma, não saias, não ainda."

"O tempo, não tenho tempo, não é pressa, é falta de tempo, tenho de ir, de sair..."

"Espera, não vais, não enquanto te agarro na mão, não te deixo."

"Tens de largar, olha o tempo. Se ele vai, tenho de ir, de sair."

"Não queres ficar? Não te vou largar a mão."

"Tens de largar, ficar fico sempre, mas e tempo? Tenho de ir, de sair."

"Toma, um beijo, leva-o contigo mas trá-lo de volta que preciso dele."

"Olha o tempo. Trago sim, trago de volta esse beijo, e trago de novo um abraço. Agora tenho de ir, de sair."

"Deixas-me as saudades?"

"Não. Deixo-te a esperança e o amor. Tenho de ir, de sair. Agora fico."

Monday, September 17, 2007

CENJOR - jornalísmo televisivo

I am scared, I am so afraid. I am chicken shit scared! But I'm doing it! I'm going for it! I am at this moment walking towards it! I am taking this step.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Tacoma Bridge

A wind-induced structural collapse. A physical phenomenon known as mechanical resonance, which is the tendency of a mechanical system to absorb more energy when the frequency of its oscillations matches the system's natural frequency of vibration (its resonance frequency) than it does at other frequencies.
Vale mesmo a pena ver as imagens, é incrível! Linked on the words Galloping Gertie above.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Quick recipe for a great movie in three steps

1º - You get a Tarantino to write a story...

2º - ...then you get a bunch of good actors;

3º - and Oliver Stone to Direct.
The result is naturally a killer!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

"He rolled on his hip, tipping her. the room rocked around him and her thighs parted. He lowered himself into the splay, touching stiffly against her. She flinched. He made a humorous face, but it faded straightaway. Then he strained forward and she spread around him.
Sam felt her emotions in a vibrant cascade: her wonder, her joy, her longing. She tendered him what was innermost - her hunger, her sadness, her desperate hope. And then she was asking, reaching for his heart. He hesitated at her insistence. She met his fear as she had before, elation vanishing, risking abandonment, summoning her courage and asking again, showing him how to surrender. His resistance dissolved and he let himself go, heart molten and flowing to meet her. He felt himself at her center, warm and joined, her soft moan in his ear. It was as if she'd been searching for her real self her whole life, and now she had found it. They rode the moment together.(...)
He surrendered everything, and finally, truly, he was not alone.
Lindy, too, found the peace she had sought. In that great flood of love from Sam's heart, she was recognized and knew who she was. In a moment, all her fears and sadness collapsed - the running and flying and endless hoping were over. Sweet tears burst from her, tears of welcome. It was a wandering orphan, returning after an absence of so many years - her lost self. What a wonderful girl she was: full of love, wise and fearless, with a child's joy and a child's trust. Sam had found her. Only Sam could have done it.(...) With all the bliss within her, Lindy knew that.(...)"

Monday, September 10, 2007

Devil With a Blue Dress

Sir, how dare you judge me!
How dare you ask about my end!
I, admiring you, what a disappointment.
I do not gasp nor sell screams of hysterical joy.
I feel with passion, sir! I hide my tears of happiness, and it may be jealous of me, but if taken the time to look close you can see my eyes of child discovering all little details for the first time. And inside bursting, exploding of this sublime juice of life.
I do not take the time to lie. It is I!
Do not misjudge me sir! No filthy fingers ever pointed at me, I will not let a respectfull one do.