Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Mais um dia, e outro

Pegar no corpo, lavar. Tocou um despertador, levantar. Olhos semi-abertos, cambalear.
O cançasso permanece, a água escorre levando o dormir mas não o sono. A toalha, o vapor, pele molhada, despertada. Cremes, gavetas abertas, roupa no corpo, sapatos na mão. Cabelo molhado. Uma cama por fazer, a fome.
Cereais, leite, comer. Lavar dentes, escova no cabelo. Mochila no ombro, sair. Telemóvel no bolso, correr. Autocarro, sentar. Chegar, falar, aprender, ensinar. Sair, andar, calor. Um passeio por Lisboa, uma companhia desejada. Um desejo forte, uma queijada na mão. Um dia, outro. Especial, estranho. Bons e maus. Mão no cabelo. Música, riso, o toque, a dança. O pescoço, o sinal, a barriga. Mais um dia, outro. E passam. Um filme, um livro, uma vista. Um texto, umas palavras. Um pensamento, solto. Uma lembrança, livre.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Thursday, July 05, 2007

"Named Killers" - Intro

7 years ago, and still counting on the endless calender. 7 more to go, 7 more for all of it to end...

Shannon Baley... profile: Caucasian, 27, red hair, green eyes, perfect shooting and maneuver with fire armory, specialist in Aiki - Krav Maga (Krav Maga/Aikido/Jiu Jitsu), An Ch'i (Chinese equivalent of the Ninja, the Lin Kuei "forest demons") and Fujiwara Ryu (ancient Ninjutsu art).

Ivan Shaw... profile: black, 35, bald, light brown eyes, the best with knives and swords, specialist in Escrima, Negishi-Ryu(system of throwing knifes), Balika Jujitsu (knife fighting system) and Kuhapdo (Korean sword art).

Fitzroy Maclean... profile: Caucasian, 31, blond, brown eyes, exquisite in archery, specialist in Capoeira, Kung Sul ("the skill of the bow" Korean archery), Narita Ryu (ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region) and Kakalaau (stick fighting style - Hawaii).

These are the 3 best killers alive. And in their group, 5 more soldiers of death under the 3 supremos.
With an existence in the dark but well known in the light. Terrifying for never failing. Feared for never seen. Spoken always as a myth in these years of a chaotic planet, destroyed and slowly diying, ruled by over-power, lies and capitalism.
This is not a story about the angels that come and save the day; it's not about the saviors of the world. It is a tale about real people, fearless killers, and phony rulers.
Right now is not the beginning, not the end.
It is the ending of the beginning and the beginning of the end. The middle.
The beginning was the year 0, finding the best. From there on, well trained. Chosen people to take-down. Names to destroy.
14 year to clear up the mess left by the past. 7 well cleaned, 7 more to purify. No mercy. The job had to be taken to the end. No quiting. No giving up.
That was the idea, but right in the middle the structure was shaken and the telling of the tale begins, for until now there was nothing to say.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

"Named Killers" - Chap One

the beginning of the end

"Well then... knock your self out!"
(I don't know why he had to shout at me.
It's a beautiful day, I can look out the open window and smell all that's happening outside, what a beautiful day.
But why does he shout? Why doesn't he understand? I'm not going to fight anymore! I told him, Azir was the last one! I told him! Damn it, now I'm upset! On such a beautiful day!)
Her eyes absorbed every movement outside the window. Trying to decide if Ivan was right to be mad at her for wanting out. She was the best, never afraid, never tired, never failed, never did anything wrong. Until now. She was going to stop.
"Shannon please! Listen to me!..."
"Stop it! I told you! I'm out! OUT!"
"You can't! You just can't! What will happen to the rest of us Shannon? Think about that. How the hell are we going to go on without you?"
"Now you listen Ivan, stop blaming me for your failure OK!? I've been with you long enough, you should know how to do things on your own! I mean, come on! You're just as good as me!"
"That's the thing, we're not! And OK I'm good, no doubt about that! But you are crucial here! You out and it's all down the hill until there's nothing left of us."
"Ivan please! You're not the drama queen type! What's going on with you?"
He grabs her arms, pulls her close to him and breathing on her neck whispers.
"Shannon, I don't wanna kill you."
She chuckles, gets away from his grabbing.
"WHAT!? Are you fucking crazy Ivan!?"
"You leave and that's it. Azir's not dead babe. And he wants your head. You out and that's it, I'll kill you."
She laughs really loud.
"Ivan you are too much! Kill me?... And how will you kill me if you'll be dead first!?"

and that's how far we got... some other day.

"The second largest?"

"That wouldn't impress Rick."